-The data sampling rate is up to 400Hz.
-Controlled by mouse, keyboard, and up/down button on the machine to quick-adjust the position of grip.
-Windows system required.
-Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, and Russian are available.
-Operation Mode: TCP/IP two-way transmission to connect with PC.
-Can import multiple test data and display at the same time.
-Supports switching between Metric and Imperial units.
-Provides a flexible table for data analysis.
-Can name the data results and create a user-defined formula.
-Data can be shown through the table, graph, or both.
-Data processing: save, import, list, statistical comparison, and so on.
-The X-Y axis of the graph is adjustable, including marks on the curve, interval marks, slope, and so on.
-Tensile, compression, bending, spring, and other tests are available.
-Supports over travel, overload, over time stop conditions as machine protection.
-Supports various test patterns such as constant tensile (compression) and 10-stage setting.
-Specimen modular design is for easy and quick specimen information setting.
-Test condition modular design can reduce human setting error.
-Supports upper and lower limits for data selection to get key information.
-Supports multiple I/O ports for additional test functions.